
Conférence du Web 3.0 ...

fb7b55eac0cf0028cdb611fb7f1f5eef.jpg Loic Le Meur remet ça les 11 et 12 décembre prochain ... avec toujours le même système, plus on réserve tard, plus c'est cher ...

Au programme, les réseaux sociaux, la emusic, le design ... :

DECEMBER 11, 2007

08h30 - 08h45
Welcome to the Evolution/Revolution - Loic Le Meur

08h45 - 09h15
The global village reconstructed: Evolution of social networks and changes behavior / Matt Cohler - Facebook

09h15 - 10h00
Web 2.0 - The Dark Side
Laurent Haug - LIFT Conference (moderator) / Michel Jaccard - attorney / Jaewoong Lee - Daum Communications / Joanna Shields - Bebo

10h00 - 10h30
Making your information social / Kevin Rose - DIGG in conversation with Sarah Lacy - Author

11h15 - 11h45
What IS social about design / Philippe Stark

11h45 - 12h10
The Internet's impact on design / Brent Hoberman - MyDeco.com / Rafi Haladjan - Nabaztag / additional speakers TBD

14h30 - 15h00
Social Media: Is it killing our society ? / Andrew Keen - Author / Emily Bell - The Guardian

15h00 - 15h45
Bringing social to software: Radical change is coming. Are we ready ?
Marc Canter - Broadband Mechanics (moderator) / Tariq Krim - Netvibes / Hans Peter Brondmo - Plum / Patrick Chanezon - Google / additional speakers TBD

15h45 - 16h00
Ripping a new music standard
Professor Karlheinz Brandenburg - Fraunhofer Society

16h00 - 16h30
Music 2.0: Where do we go from here?
Ralph Simon - Chairman Emeritus & Founder Mobile Entertainment Forum - Americas (moderator) / Eric Bauptiste - CISAC / Gerd Leonhard - Media Futurist

16h30 - 16h45
Who needs musicians ?
Tal Choizen - Garage Geeks ... and a special guest

17h30 - 18h00
Digitized Worlds
Joi Ito

18h00 - 18h30
Casual vs. Serious Games
Mathieu Nouzareth - Boonty/Cafe.com / Hubert Thieblot - Cursed

18h30 - 19h15
Is there reality to a virtual world economy ?
Sasha Frieze - Virtual Worlds Forum (moderator) / Clay Shirky - NYU / Marc Samwer - European Founders Fund / Mattias Miksche - Stardoll / additional speakers TBD

DECEMBER 12, 2007

09h00 - 09h10
Opening remarks - Loic Le Meur

09h10 - 09h30
Things that go bang
Dan Dubno

09h30 - 10h15
Making things personal ... investing
Danny Rimer - Index Ventures (moderator) / Mark Read - WPP / Oliver Jung - Angel Investor / Jean David Chamboredon - 3i

10h15 - 11h15
What is innovative today ?
The Start-up Competition judges talk about the contest and we reveal the winners
Start-up judges and top three companies from the competition

12h00 - 12h15
Internet pollution and how to stop it
Jason Calacanis - Mahalo

12h15 - 12h30
Personalization 2.0 ...3.0 ... the projection of personal image
Jonathan Medved - Vringo

12h30 - 13h00
Taking flight: Personalized travel in the air
Esther Dyson in conversation with Vern Raeburn, Eclipse Aviation

14h30 - 14h50
Digital Media: The future
Gerd Leonhard - Media Futurist

14h50 - 15h30
TV Reborn
Jeff Pulver - Pulver Media (moderator) / Benjamin Bejbaum - Daily Motion / Nir Ofir - BlogTV / Joost (speaker TBD)

15h30 - 16h00
Rattling the Cage
a conversation with a disruptive entrepreneur
Joost (speaker TBD)

16h00 - 16h20
An environmental riff - where technology fits in
Tom Raftery

16h20 - 16h40
Technology and Democracy - social behavior in social networks
David Weinberger - author

16h40 - 17h30
Social networks tackling social issues - a session in partnership with UNHCR
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the LeWe3 Digital Champions and some very special guests

Inscription : http://www.leweb3.com/leweb3/programme/index.html

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