
Le numérique supplantera le CD en 2012 - une étude sur le marché de la musique par l'institut Forrester

9d96c5c82778e5a65b4463e6eb4e1ba0.jpg"The close of 2007 marked the end of a decade of decline for the music industry. Digital audio — first illegal and now legal — has permanently changed how people find, buy, and listen to music. The new music industry economics will bring in $4.8 billion in revenue from digital downloads in the US in 2012, yet even the 23% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from now until then will not compensate the industry for its losses. Media executives eager to stay afloat in this receding tide must clear the path of discovery and purchase, but only hardware and software providers can ultimately make listening to music as easy as turning on the radio."

Pour en savoir plus ... c'est payant - Informations sur :
http://www.forrester.com puis chercher dans "music"

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